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Pokemon Stadium 2 (USA) ROM

Nintendo 64 / N64 ROMs

Genre: ActionRole-Playing
Rating: ESRB: E, PEGI: 3+, OFLC: G
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Game Description & Reviews:

OverviewPok�mon Stadium 2 allows players to use second generation Pok�mon in the third dimension for the first time, among a variety of other Pok�-centric activities.
wyntersticks rates this game: 4/5

Being the same graphic level of the first Pokemon stadium the charm and excitsent kinda went poof. But in that day and age seeing the new Pokemon in full 3d and an announcer made my blood boil. I played sick from school and lost many hours of sleep to this game. Play this game at least for the sake of the best 3d Pokemon game! 4/5

JJ rates this game: 5/5

Return to the stadium with this critically acclaimed sequel. Boasting more Pokemon than ever before, take battles to a new extreme. If you get tired of battling, try out the new mini-games added. If your dilligent enough to defeat all opposing trainers, you get to do it all over again with rivals wielding stronger Pokemon (and an unbelievably cheap AI). Good luck, you will need it.

Dziugasiuka3 rates this game: 5/5

Pokemon Stadium 2 is basically the same as it first was, with some graphical improvements. There are also more options for you to enjoy, and more new Pokemon from the second generation. You can transfer your Pokemon from your Gold, Silver or Crystal games, and use them in battles. The graphics are amazing, and gives you a huge enjoyment, to battle with your Pokemon in an amazing 3D enviroment.

Dravlyn rates this game: 5/5

The sequel to the much loved Pokemon Stadium game it continues the trend of Pokemon turn based arena combat with even more of the amazing Pokemon you know and love. With the ability to go through the pokemon league or fight a series of "boss" fights you have a lot to do whenever you decide your friends have had enough of you kicking their butts.

SushiBrawl rates this game: 5/5

It's a shame that modern Pokemon games can't be like this. In Pokemon Stadium 2, the second geration is added to the mix. Which means more Pokemon, more Gyms, more mini games, more battles, and more challenges. And you can even hook up your Gameboy games to this game and play your Pokemon from there. This game is great to play alone or to challenge friends on some pure Pokemon battles. This game is a definite get if you are a fan of Pokemon.

Pontinho rates this game: 5/5

I thought that this game was more complex than the original. The added pokemon and types make it a lot harder to pick the perfect pokemon for battles, but that's what makes it interesting. I thought that the Academy helped out a lot. Also, I heard that playing the mini-games with your own pokemon will make them like you more. This helps out a lot if you're trying to get Eevee to evolve into Espeon or Umbreon, Chansey to Blissey, or Golbat to Crobat.

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Rating:4.32/5, 3932 Votes  

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