ROMs » Nintendo 64 » S » Super Smash Bros. (USA)
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Game Description & Reviews:
OverviewCharacters from popular Nintendo franchises meet up for the first time (and then duke it out) in this crossover fighting game by HAL.
Brendoge rates this game: 4/5See where it all began for the Super Smash Bros series with the epic first
… read more OverviewCharacters from popular Nintendo franchises meet up for the first time (and then duke it out) in this crossover fighting game by HAL.
Brendoge rates this game: 4/5See where it all began for the Super Smash Bros series with the epic first installment. Of it's time the idea of a character mascot brawlfest seemed an unlikely success. The game went on to inspire the future of beat-em-up games for the future of gaming.
The series is praised for its addictive multiplayer offerings that allow just about anyone to pick up a control and play to their hearts desire. The game's premise is simple, but it makes for some ultimate gaming fun, a non-stop thrill ride, its future installments amplify all components to the max, but the 64 version remains an unforgettable classic.
If you have not played this game for yourself, I highly recommend it. This game, gets a 4 out of 5.
25secondsbeforework. rates this game: 5/5An absolute Nintendo Classic using the ingenious creative skills of Hal Laboratory to create the best, most intensely action filled Nintendo Franchise yet. 5/5 All the way.
deffjam56 says:All Your favorite characters from Nintendo, fight in a battle royal. Choosing from many different characters and stages this game is a lot of fun
OmegaVesko rates this game: 4/5The original N64 predecessor to Nintendo's now-famous Smash Bros. series. While the Gamecube and Wii titles show much improvement upon the original, there is still much fun to be had with this game.
There's a multitude of characters available from the start, and a few others that can be unlocked by playing (or cheating :P).�
display name rates this game: 5/5I got this game when it came out and have played super smash games since then. this is without a doubt the best fighting series of all time, and each addition builds on the solid foundation this title created on the n64. behind ocarina of time, super mario 64 and rayman 2, this game is one of the best that ever came out on the system.
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