ROMs » Nintendo 64 » S » Super Smash Bros. (USA)
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Game Description & Reviews:
OverviewCharacters from popular Nintendo franchises meet up for the first time (and then duke it out) in this crossover fighting game by HAL.
deffjam56 says:All Your favorite characters from Nintendo, fight in a battle royal. Choosing from many
… read more OverviewCharacters from popular Nintendo franchises meet up for the first time (and then duke it out) in this crossover fighting game by HAL.
deffjam56 says:All Your favorite characters from Nintendo, fight in a battle royal. Choosing from many different characters and stages this game is a lot of fun
72naruto72 rates this game: 5/5When you think of the greatest of all of the classic games out in one to fight each other to the death, what do you think of? Super Smash Bros.!!! ok so first off, notice that each character has a set of speacial moves, this is what makes each character unique and why everyone has a favorite. There are also other things, like thier speed and strength. The fact that there is and okay character selection makes it very good, but when you add maps for all of these very good games like Zelda, Mario, And Kirby you will have one of the best instant classics of all time, that is why I rated this game........ 5/5
DeRaza360 rates this game: 5/5Smash it out with the original SUPER SMASH BROS!!!!!!! This game features 10 instantly available playable characters with more to unlock. Each character is unique so check em all out and don't forget all the modes and unlockable options you can have. Verse up to 4 Players, human or computer! Your preference. There's also heaps of levels and an in depth yet simple fighting system. Months of fun! Maybe even years. O.o
25secondsbeforework. rates this game: 5/5An absolute Nintendo Classic using the ingenious creative skills of Hal Laboratory to create the best, most intensely action filled Nintendo Franchise yet. 5/5 All the way.
SushiBrawl rates this game: 5/5What do you get when you throw together your favorite Nintendo characters and have them battle it out? I know that was a cheesy way of starting, but it is the only way I can explain this awesome game. With your favorite Nintendo characters you can fight your friends in this outrageous fighter game. Player with up to 12 characters and battle with up to 4 players. There has never been a fighter this rediculous and fun.
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