Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon (US)(Micronauts) ROM
Nintendo DS / DS NDS ROMs
Genre: StrategyRole-PlayingRating: PEGI: 7+, CERO: A, ESRB: E10+, OFLC: PG
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This game is a remake of the original game first released on the NES. Overall it was pretty good, I'm just not a huge fan of Fire Emblem is all.
Basically, what you do is you have a map, and you choose which direction you want to go and you have to fight battles. I really didn't get too deep into the game, but I believe you have to equip your party just right.
One thing I enjoyed about this game was it's rich storyline. That alone made me enticed to play the game.
This game seemed like it could've been pretty good, only I didn't give it very much of a chance.
This is such and amazing game, you have to play it, with its obvious remake of the ORIGINAL FE, get to see what it was like at the begining! And with its new and improved graphics and MANY new features I personally advise you to try this amazing game...You won't regret it!
A decent FE game.
For a remake of the original Fire Emblem, this game does well in some areas but lacks in others.
The reclassing feature in the game added something fresh to the series, and while there are some obvious classes NOT to reclass to, this feature can make some units more useful than they are in their original class.
The story is nothing special, but given it IS a remake, you really can't change the orginal story so much.
The maps, themselves, are pretty fun, and with the 5 degrees of hard mode, some maps can be rather challenging.
There is also a forging feature in the game that allows you to make your own weapons based on already-existing weapons. While this is a cool feature, truth be told, it can make your characters broken with the uber weapons forged.
I was a little disappointed with this game's artwork compared to ealier titles. The 3D models are just...clunky and pixelated. I don't know why Intelligent Systems abandoned the 2D sprites which MADE Fire Emblem. That aside, though, some of the animations, such as the swordmaster's, are nicely-done.
The music is alright, at best. I personally don't dig the techno-ish thing they did, though. It doesn't really fit the feel of FE that well. However, there are some good tracks on some of the maps.
Despite the flaws, this is a Fire Emblem game through and through. There's a lot of freedom to work on whomever and develop your own unique strategy.
Greetings EPusers.
I loved fire emblem until�I played this "game". I respect the series for seriousness of death, there are no phoenix downs, no 1-ups to be found. Ever. The thing that maks me hate this game is class-changing. It boils down to the random number system that provides stat boosts to make you stronger doesn't mesh with class changing - if you change a knight into a mage, his pattern of growth stays as a knight. High defence, not bad in itself. low speed(ow), and next to 0 magic power(more ow) I don't like games that can't work with themselves.
Amazing game, pivotal game elements of characters dying makes it truly feel like a war game, they don't just faint or some crap, if you let your guys die, they DIE, so suit them up with what you need, and play smart, or you'll lose your characters, which the game does a brilliant job of getting you attached to.
A reinvention of the original NES titles with revamped graphics and intuitive touch control, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon will finally introduce longtime fans to the stories that gave birth to the series nearly 20 years ago in Japan, while introducing the Fire Emblem franchise to a broader audience of strategy and chess fans. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon also reveals the back story of Marth, the original lead character in the Fire Emblem series introduced and made popular in North America by the Super Smash Bros. series of fighting games.
This game is about taking down soldiers and take over castles. You can fight with different characters using different weapons.
Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon (US)(Micronauts) is a reinvention of the original Nintendo Entertainment System title with revamped graphics and intuitive touch control. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon will finally introduce longtime fans to the stories that gave birth to the series nearly 20 years ago in Japan, while introducing the Fire Emblem franchise to a broader audience of strategy and chess fans. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon also reveals the back story of Marth, the original lead character in the Fire Emblem series introduced and made popular in North America by the Super Smash Bros. series of fighting games.
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(Nintendo DS Release #3398)
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