ROMs » Nintendo Game Boy » T » Toy Story (USA)
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Game Description & Reviews:
OverviewToy Story is a game based off the popular animated movie under the same name.
notafanofspinach rates this game: 5/5Toy Story on Gameboy is one of the most challenging platforming games in existence. But while it is extremely difficult, it is also extremely charming. The controls are great, the music is catchy, and many hours of fun can be had by staring at Woody's pixelated face. Some people say that the SNES version is better than the Gameboy version in every way and recommend that you play that one instead. I, however, am going to recommend the opposite, and suggest you play this one instead as it is much more rewarding and much more true to the original Toy Story movie. Four out of Five.
Mystics Apprentice rates this game: 4/5This game was really fun and exciting! It followed the story of Toy Story with a fun gameplay to boot. You start off as Woody in Andy's Room, and you advance to several different levels as you progress, each course playing a role in the storyline of Toy Story. The gameplay is all action/adventure, similar to Super Mario World or Donkey Kong Country. While this game doesn't quite match up to the superior level of those 2, it sure ranks up there! The graphics were also quite impressive for a Gameboy game.
For a movie-related game, the company did a pretty good job.
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