Dragon Ball Z - Buu's Fury (U)(Psychosis) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: ActionRole-PlayingRating: ESRB: E
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this game is actually really cool i just love that you can choose so many characters especially gohan he's my favourite character i would recommend you to level characters to max cause you will get board of using one character
This game was the best of the 3, it has come SO very far from the crap that was the first one, it might have way better though. Overall it is a decent game, and the DBZ fans will apreciate it.
The final game in the series is here! Following the "Buu Saga", we continue through the anime, with a great battling system, and an RPG like world! Loads of playable characters, search for thee Dragon Balls, all this and more in the best game in the series!
Despite its title, this game is the followup to Legacy of Goku 2. Covering the Buu Saga, this game adds onto the improvements Legacy of Goku 2 made to create the best game in the series. Definitely worth a play if you love DBZ.
This game picks up a bit after the events of Legacy of Goku 2. Experience the saga of Majin Buu! And some movie villains! (I'd say which ones, but... spoilers.)
This definitely feels more like an RPG than the Legacy of Goku titles. You can equip items to power up (or weights to slow you down but give more Exp!), and there are usable items to heal you. And, when a character levels up, they can assign points to stats you can choose, allowing you to tailor a character to your play style.
This is a great action RPG , and I'd definitely recommend it.
Action Advanture RPG. This is third saga of Dragonball Z series from one company. You get to play five heroes from the original story: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunk, and Goten. Each heroes have unique attacks they can use, but pretty much the same overall. You get to equipments just like any other RPG, but no weapon since you use your fist.
This game itself isn't as great as it could have been, but it is fun nonetheless. You get to play through final saga of DBZ, so that itself is enough reason to play. Go ahead and play this game. If playing it doesn't convince you, play the two earlier saga this company made. It will make you think that this saga is godlike compared to earlier versions.
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1646)
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You have the option of playing Dragon Ball Z - Buu's Fury (U)(Psychosis) in your browser, right here at EmuParadise! No need for any software, no installations required, all you need is a fast enough PC and a browser with Flash support. This is great if you're on a PC with restrictions on software installations or want to secretly play at work.Play Dragon Ball Z - Buu's Fury (U)(Psychosis)
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