Kao the Kangaroo (U)(Paracox) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: ActionPlatformerHow to Play this Game ?
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0163)
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0163)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
pARAcOX pROUDLY pRESENTS kAO tHE kANGAROO -FINAL- (C) TITUS ()()==================D~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* dATE : oKTOBER 31, 2001 oRIGIN : mY dEAD gBX sIZE : 32 mEGABIT fILENAME : pCX-KAOK.ZIP sUPPLIER : cROCODILE hUNTER pLATFORM : gAMEBOY aDVANCE . rELEASE iNFOZ ---------------------------------------------------------- . yO...wE gOT a nICE tREAT fOR yA tODAY!! jUST lIKE wE bROUGHT yA fINAL fIGHT oNE mONTHS iN aDVANCE, hERE'S sOME mORE sHIT fOR yA uNGRATEFUL bASTARDS!! dIZ gAME iZ dUE dA sECOND wEEK oF dECEMBER...fEEL fREE tO wASTE yA tIME fILECOMPARING dIZ sHIT tO dA rETAIL cOPY cUZ iT'Z gONNA bE dA sAME!!!!! wE gET eVERYTHING eARLY aND sINCE iT'Z bEEN a wHILE wE tHOUGHT yA fUCKERS dESERVED a cHANCE fOR aN eLITE eARLY sUPPLY. bELIEVE iN dA pOWER oF dA cOX sUXXERS aND yA wILL bE rEWARDED! wE'LL kEEP pLAYING oUR eARLY rELEASES cUZ yA eMULAMERS aREN'T rEADY fOR dAT sHIT! PS - iN uNRELATED iSO rELEASES...wHY dOES pARAdOX nUKE fINAL gAMEZ oN tHIER hQS aND lEAVES tHIER bETA sHIT??? aT lEAST hAVE dA dECENCY tO aDMIT yA mISTAKES fUCKAZ!!! PPS - oN dA tOPIC oF lAME pS2 rELEASES...wTF iZ dAT jAK aND dAXTER tGS dEMO sHIT??? . rELEASES -------------------------------------------------------------- . nUM gAME tITLE oRIG/sIZE dATE --- ---------------------- --------- ---- 001 lEGO rACERS 2 eUR/64mB 0726 002 fINAL fIGHT oNE -FINAL- eUR/32mB 0804 003 wWF rOAD tO wRESTLEMANIA ???/32mB 0905 004 eSPN fINAL rOUND gOLF -FINAL- eUR/64mB 0905 005 cAESARS pALACE ???/32mB 0919 006 fILA dECATHLON ???/32mB 0921 007 mOTO gP ???/32mB 0928 008 kAO tHE kANGAROO -FINAL- uSA/32mB 1031 . rESPECT tO ------------------------------------------------------------ . cEZAR - dFC - gBL - hS - hTS - mUGS - rPF - sFC - tC . -----------------------------------------------------> pARAcOX - wE sUXX cOX |
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