Metal Slug Advance (E)(TRSI) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: ActionRating: ESRB: T, PEGI: 12+, CERO: A
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1840)
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1840)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
Da World Ruling '` CRACKINg ForcE . . TRsi 2004! .. ' /\ ` .. TriSt/-\r 2 Stars to Rule em ALL! ` ./ \. ' ReDseCT()r.Inc :: : // \\ : :: // 100% friendship ` . __|__/.__/\__.\__|__ .' Quality.ReSPecT. . \\| . \\ // . |// . KEWlnEss! _/<_. .:.`\. /_`'_\ ./'.:. ._>\_ / //_/(.:' ` :\\ ' \/ ` //: ' `:.)\_\\ \ /<_____________________>\__________>\ \ ___ _\_ _ ___ / _ ___ / | \____\: : :/ /: :/____/: | __/\__ | | |\ \: |_____ | | \ /, / | | | ; ;\_____ \| | /_`/_\ ' : |__ | | | ; ; : \/ ` .' : \_| | : | __: `. . ' ___ .' . : `. |_/ `. ___ ` . :. \ \\_\( :: . `. . :: )/_// / .: .::::. '\ ' . /__ __\ . ` /` .::::. ' :' _ `:. . `.::.`:/. presents .\:'.::.' . .:' _ `: ` /<_._/ \______________/ \______________/ \_._>\ / (___// `--------------' \\___) \ << . . >> `\:. . "metal Slug Euro Version" . .:/' |:::... . _ _ . ...:::| `-------:------------\____`_\/_'____/------------:-------' : _` ' ` '_ : `:..__)|\_.: :._/|(__..:' . //..: ._ _. :..\\ . . ,'.:.`-------------- --/-`'-\-- --------------'.:.`, . : | :'.`::::::::::''' _/__/\__\_ ```::::::::::'.`: | : . . :.'.:::''' .\ .. /. ```:::.`.: . . | :::'' . . ``::: | | . :' $for fun - not for Status$ `: . | . . . . . | . . | | . release date .....: 16/12/2004 | | . . Suppplied by ......: Team TRSI! | | | . . . . | | . . . . | | Enjoy this "another" quality | | release from "trSI 2004!" - watch out for more | | and more from da "worldruling unstoppable | | Immortal CRacking Groups so FAR! | | tRiStaR.ReDsEcTor.Inc in 2004! | | . . | . !Fame and DAYDream RulEZ! . | KEEP da BBs Spirit ALivE! | | $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ | | | | | | 2005 - 15 Years of Fame and Glory in da Scene! | | | | | | | __ __ \. . ._ _. . ./ __\- ------------------- --/-`'-\-- ------------------- -/__ ) :\. ::::::::::::::''' _/__/\__\_ ```:::::::::::::: ./: ( \\| :::::::''' .\ .. /. ```::::::: |// \. . :::'' . . ``::: . ./ | :' light of FORTUNE - Back From HELL! `: | | . . fighting with Pooor Children - Makes me so . . | | Weird - DAMMned mOTHERfuckEr - Steeeling some Fame | ..Ya Think So naaah - Reach our Expirience oF a higer. . | Level ya wont ComplEte - Ya AlWays Fail even ya Win | | . Ya ThinK so - Come one - Dream on - we will Create | . /-/ell on EaRTh ...How many painS ya WilL opEn Ya . | .Mind - WhaTs Real and Whats no RealiTY - Unbeliever.| __ there will be forever only one! !TRSI 2004! __ \. . ._ _. . ./ __\- ------------------- --/-`'-\-- ------------------- -/__ ) :\. ::::::::::::::''' _/__/\__\_ ```:::::::::::::: ./: ( \\| :::::::''' .\ .. /. ```::::::: |// \. . :::'' TRistar^RSI . WorlD Domination `::: . ./ | since 1985! | | | | . . . Rockin in 2005!. . . | | by da No.1 in BuiZinEss! | . . GFX ARTIST.CODERS.WANTED!WantED! . . | So Wanna Join in... FaSt Suppliers acepted | | . Quality Trainer makers - only 100% loyal DudeS | . BuT iF ya No LoyaL wiLL kiLL Ya All so just think . | . Before ya enter da lasT Step of da Final Game!.| __ caLL dA! Link to perfection WWW.trsi.orG __ \. . ._ _. . ./ __\- ------------------- --/-`'-\-- ------------------- -/__ ) :\. ::::::::::::::''' _/__/\__\_ ```:::::::::::::: ./: ( \\| :::::::''' .\ .. /. ```::::::: |// \. . :::'' . . ``::: . ./ | :' `: | |. . .Our Lightshinings to. . . | | | . . PARADOX! / DANISH GOLD ^ LEgend! . . | FARBRAUSCH SLILENT GATE:-) - SMASH DESiGn | | . SCOOPEX! ^ ECHELON! ^ Rising Sun ^ LIGHTForce! .| . TRIAD ^ UPROUGH! ^ GamEovEr ^ FLT ^ MODE-7! . | . ^ VENOM ^ ALPHAFLIGHT ^ SKIDROW ^ MIRACLE ^ DNL . . $DYNAMIC Duo$ . . trSI 2 0 0 4! |
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