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Download Starsky And Hutch (E)(Paracox) (1.7M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1148)
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1148)
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You have the option of playing Starsky And Hutch (E)(Paracox) in your browser, right here at EmuParadise! No need for any software, no installations required, all you need is a fast enough PC and a browser with Flash support. This is great if you're on a PC with restrictions on software installations or want to secretly play at work.Play Starsky And Hutch (E)(Paracox)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
pARAcOX pROUDLY pRESENTS sTARSKY & hUTCH (C) eMPIRE iNTERACTIVE ()()==================D~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* dATE : sEPTEMBER 6, 2003 oRIGIN : mY dEAD gBX sIZE : 32 mEGABIT fILENAME : pCX-SANH.ZIP sUPPLIER : Kartäpus and Niveo pLATFORM : gAMEBOY aDVANCE (from playeradvance.org) . rELEASE iNFOZ ---------------------------------------------------------- . yEZ...dA lEGENDS aRE bACK!!!! bRINGING yA uNGRATEFUL bASTARDS a rELEASE yA dONT dESERVE, wE aRE pROUD tO rELEASE dA fINAL vERSION oF sTARSKY & hUTCH bEFORE iT hITZ rETAIL!!! aLL yA lAMERZ wHO kEEP tALKING sHIT, wHY nOT sTOP bITCHING aND cONTRIBUTE....oH tHAT'S rIGHT, yOU cAN'T cUZ yA aRE aLL wHINY aRSE fREELOADERS. gO eAT sHIT aND dIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sPECIAL mSG: wE hAVE fOUND dA tRAITOR aMONG uS dURING oUR tRIP tO dA lAND oF dA gAYZ. yOU bETRAYED uS aND yOU wON'T sUXX cOX wITH uS aNYMORE! pS: rOM oR pS2 rEQUESTS cAN bE sENT vIA iCQ @ 111008713. jUST tRY aND sTOP mE nINTENDO!!!!! i wILL sTOMP yOU lIKE mARIO sTOMPS a gOOMBA!!! . rELEASES -------------------------------------------------------------- . nUM gAME tITLE oRIG/sIZE dATE --- ---------------------- --------- ---- 001 lEGO rACERS 2 eUR/64mB 0726 002 fINAL fIGHT oNE -FINAL- eUR/32mB 0804 003 wWF rOAD tO wRESTLEMANIA ???/32mB 0905 004 eSPN fINAL rOUND gOLF -FINAL- eUR/64mB 0905 005 cAESARS pALACE ???/32mB 0919 006 fILA dECATHLON ???/32mB 0921 007 mOTO gP ???/32mB 0928 008 kAO tHE kANGAROO -FINAL- uSA/32mB 1031 009 dONALD dUCK aDVANCE -FINAL- eUR/64mB 1107 010 cRASH bANDICOOT xS -FINAL- eUR/64mB 0226 011 bOKTAI: tHE sUN iS iN oUR hANDS *e3 vER* uSA/128mB 0717 012 pOKEMON: vERSION sAPHIR *fRENCH* -FINAL- fRA/128mB 0722 013 pOKEMON: vERSION rUBIS *fRENCH* -FINAL- fRA/128mB 0723 014 cRAZY cHASE eUR/32mB 0730 015 eGGO mANIA eUR/32mB 0730 016 cARD eREADER + *bAD dUMP* jAP/32mB 0731 017 sTARSKY & hUTCH -FINAL- eUR/32mB 0906 . rESPECT tO ------------------------------------------------------------ . cEZAR - dFC - gBL - hS - hTS - mUGS - rPF - sFC - tC . --------------------------------------------------> pARAcOX - wE sUXX cOX |