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Download The Cat in the Hat (U)(TrashMan) (1.3M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1903)
Play The Cat in the Hat (U)(TrashMan)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1903)
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You have the option of playing The Cat in the Hat (U)(TrashMan) in your browser, right here at EmuParadise! No need for any software, no installations required, all you need is a fast enough PC and a browser with Flash support. This is great if you're on a PC with restrictions on software installations or want to secretly play at work.Play The Cat in the Hat (U)(TrashMan)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
_________________________ ___________ / /| / \ / / | +----------/ \ ,_______________________./ |.. ..... .... ...|\ ,___________\ | | | . ....... . . | \ / | | | + . . . .. | +--------/ | ------- | / . . , . . | | _/ | | ,_'_/ : . /\ . | | | ,_____ | | .-------, / \+-----/ )____:-----+"'------/ \ | ) | \ | | | " | \ | | | | | | ) \ '---| | \/ \___ \ | |_______ | \ / )--, | l | / ) | |' " |\/l |___/ )____| | | / |___/ | | `_____'| \___| /_______/ +-----+-----+____/__| __ | | | | + | | | + /' | | - | ) ( \ | / | | | / /( /( )\ )\ \+---------- | | )/ /( ( ) \/ ( ) )\ | | | | / / ) / \ ( \ \ --- | | + _) 2 0 0 5 (_ \+ | | _________/ / \ \______________| |/ . / __ p R E S E N T S __ \ :` \( / \ )/ ;: /(__________( __ ___ ____ __ )__________)\ )\/ \ ( / Dr. Seuss - The Cat in the Hat (C) NewKidCo \_____/( \________________________________________________ \ )_________________) . USA :.......ORiGiN[-]SUPPLiER.....: TP^tRM ;. GBA :.......SYSTEM[-]FiLE.SiZE....: 32MBiTs : 3o.o7.o4 :..STREET.DATE[-]FiLE.NAME....: trm-cith.zip :; 2o.o2.o5 :.RELEASE.DATE[-]LANGUAGE.....: English . ________________________________________________________________)\ \ _____ \ )/ \ g A M E . i N F O / ) .............\ __________________________________________________ /)/ ' )/ )/ : : uRL: http://newkidco.com/gameboy_advanced.html : : It's a rainy day with nothing for Dick and Sally to do. : Enter the Cat In The Hat! He is friendly, fearless and fun . loving. But in his desire to help out. he and his friends, . Thing One and Thing Two have made a mess of Dick and Sally's house. It's up to you to beat him at his own silly games! . Can you make sure the house is all clean before mother gets home? . * Six fun filled mini games in the magical world of Dr. Seuss. * Open ended game play allows you to explore at your own pace. * Explore the fantastical world of Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat. trm-cith-f.jpg + trm-cith-b.jpg included, for you people using frontends to load your roms up in the ol' vba. ________________________________________________________________ Can you dump roms in a box? Can you dump them with a fox? Can you dump them on a train? We know you can dump them without a brain. Need proof, see any Endless Piracy release. Doubt they dump shit anyways, p2p repackers anonymous classes is what they need. Learn to dump, ask a fox, he'll teach you . to do it in a box!! Greets to OldSkool, sorry about the race with World Tennis, that wasn't intentional. To Everyone else just play the game, and leave your stupid comments at the door. Thx, lets keep it real, since gba is out the door shortly ~s/trm ---------------------------------------------------------------- S . u N This is not the same as the other Cat in the Hat game already P o released that was based on the movie. This one is based on P T the book and is a collection of kiddie mini-games. To all of . L E you guys with an XBOX, buy Phantom Dust. So very awesome for i S multi. OK, not much else to say, so I'm full...of dead babies! E . R Greetings: A very special thanks to Sir Speechy. I <3 U. ;) . ~TP^tRM . : ____________________________________)\ ; /(___\ ( : \ g R O U P . i N F O _) : . . . . .........\ )________________________________ ___\......' )/ ( ) >/ ONLY CONTACT US IF YOU CAN SUPPLY US WITH NEW BETA, PRE, OR RETAIL GB/GBC/GBA/NDS/WSX, SITES NEED NOT APPLY, NOR DO COURIERS. DO NOT MAIL ASKING WHERE TO LOCATE OUR RELEASES. . . ` . Contact us only /(__)\ if you fit the . ___( )___ requirements above . )\____________________\ || / . : / \\ // trm2k5@hushmail.com : . . . ....( tRASH.MAN-2005 " ()--() "......................' \______________________/_ _\ \ ____ / spJb`RDG , \/ \/ ' . -[Dumping Trash so you can Play with it]- [ [ TRM2K5 ] ] |