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Download Yakyutsuku Advance (J)(Stone Arts) (3.5M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0556)
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0556)
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You have the option of playing Yakyutsuku Advance (J)(Stone Arts) in your browser, right here at EmuParadise! No need for any software, no installations required, all you need is a fast enough PC and a browser with Flash support. This is great if you're on a PC with restrictions on software installations or want to secretly play at work.Play Yakyutsuku Advance (J)(Stone Arts)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
StOneArtS 2K2 Is BaCK! ! ! -------------------------- We ArE BACK aNd FiGhThiNG For FrEeDOm In ArAB!!! StOp WAr In ISRAEL aND All TeRROR ARROUnD dA GlObe!!! We Stop The StoNEArTS DC/GBC ProJeCT AboUt The 11 SePtEmBeR!!! My TeArS RuNNInG DoWn MY ColD FacE, I SeE A WoRk Of TeERoR FroM A IlL Men NamES OsAMAr BiN LAdeN! PleAse AlLL MosLEmS Do NoT tAkE So FuXXXXXXXXXXXXXiNg BoMbS ArRoUnd Da GloBE! AlAh anD MoHaMEd saY NotHIng InTo His KorAN FroM BoMBinG AND KillInG LikE TeRROrIs`M! MoHaMEd SpOke OvEr LoVe And HaRMoNy :-........! ThE MosLEm GroW ThE BeST WeeD EvER! WhAtZ GoiNG WroNg iN HIs HEaD`S? I Do NoT SuPpOrt EvEr MoRE ThE GAnJA ClAn fRoM AFghAnisTAn! I SuPPorT nO MuRderS! No TiME , No MoRE! So BrOtHErS AnD SiStERS FroM STONEARTS! We BriNg Ya ToDAy A NEw GAMEBOYADVANCE RELEASE FROM SEGA: YAKYUTUKU BASEBALL 2002 FULL 100% CRACKED GAME! NO SAVE ERRORS! We NeED SuPpOrTErS FroM FoLlOw WaReZ: GBC/GBA/WS/WSC/PS2/DC/XBOX! YoU CAn JoIN US WiTh FaST T3+ WHQ?????? CONtACT CeNobIt UnDer: OPELWERK@DIRECTBOX.COM GReETZ To All OlD FreEDoM FiGhTErZ AnD BrOtHErZ LiKE: ElEmTL1 and soooooooooooooooooooo On::.....::::::..........! GrOuP GReETz To: MNc; EcHOlOn; HoOlIGANS; KalISTO; PRoJECT X; LFC; PDX; aND SO oN!!! .... . ..:::::..... __ ::::: ::::: _____ __ / //________::::: _ ____\\_ \_ _____ _/ //_____. \___ /::: / /__\\_ \_ _/ | _/ /:::: / / / \ | \\_________\:::: ____________\ / \ __\_____| ::::: _ _____\______\ _____ :::::__ ___\\_ \_ ____ ::::: //_______ _) / /_\\_ /___:::::___ / \ _ / _/ /::::: _/ / · s T O N E a R T S ! /____\____\ \ \_::::\\______\ _ _____\_____/:::: ::::: '::: ' -=*" SmOke GraSs AnD CuRe The WoRLd! ! ! "*=- Go To YouR HiGhEsT BrIdgE wItH a MeGaPhOnE, AnD Cry OfFEr The BriDgE For FreEdoM!!! (( (( O )) )) EcHo ThE WorLD! ! ! EnD Of MeSsAGE! ! ! |