Snes SPC Music

Welcome to the Super Nintendo music section. The plus point in most SNES games was the music that went into these games. The music made the games even more interesting and also MUCH more enjoyable. SNES music is known for it's high quality, here we have a large collection of SNES music files in the SPC format. You need an SPC Player to play these music files. You can grab one from our SPC Players section.

Don't forget to vote for, where the games come home :). You can vote for the site by clicking on the topsites in the left menu. (top66, top55). Thank you for your support.

Game Size
"Game School" (Jaleco) 221K
100% Cotton 202K
3 Ninjas Kick Back 143K
7th Saga 71K
Ace Striker 73K
Acme Animation Factory 96K
Acrobat Mission 47K
Action Pachio 116K
Actraiser 1 80K
Actraiser 2 168K
Addams Family 1 61K
Aero Fighters 66K
Aero the Acrobat 2 124K
Aerobiz Supersonic 89K
Aladdin 85K
Alcahest 79K
Alice's Painting Adventures 117K
Alien 3 122K
Alien vs Predator 63K
Angelique (aka Angelic Voice Fantasy) 227K
Animaniacs 95K
Araiguma Rascal 255K
Arcana 84K
Arcus Spirits 86K
Ardy Lightfoot 138K
Arkanoid DoH It Again 49K
Art of Fighting 1 190K
Art Of Fighting 2 341K
Astral Bout 80K
Athena Gameshow 59K
Axelay 98K
Baby T-Rex: Sample Game (Beta) 87K
Bahamut Lagoon 187K
Bass Fishing No.1 110K
Bastard 90K
Batman Returns 109K
Battle Clash 88K
Battle Master 67K
Battle Soccer 2 118K
Battle Soccer 66K
Battle Zeque Den 68K
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs 58K
Battletoads-Double Dragon The Ultimate Team 66K
Beavis & Butt-Head 103K
Biker Mice From Mars 89K
Bing Bing Bingo 43K
Bing Bing Bingo 43K
Bio-Metal 32K
Biometal (Usa Version of 2 Unlimited) 26K
Bioworm 35K
Bioworm 36K
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Heart (puzzle)??? 44K
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R 66K
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon 63K
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S 63K
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S (puzzle) 87K
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super Stars (puzzle)??? 80K
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Fuwa Fuwa Panic 101K
Blazeon 21K
Bobby's World 60K
Boogerman 80K
Bonkers 77K
Boxing: Legends of the Ring 46K
Brain Lord 122K
Brainlord 176K
Brandish 218K
Brass Numbers 95K
Brawl Brothers 53K
Breath of Fire 1 117K
Breath of Fire 2 217K
Brutal - Paws of Fury 67K
BS Pachinko 32K
Bs Zelda 1 40K
Bubsy 70K
Bubsy: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind 82K
Bugs Bunny in Rabbit Rampage 148K
Cacoma Knight 65K
Cannon Fodder 62K
Captain America & the Avengers 82K
Captain Commando 82K
Captain Tsubasa 3 71K
Captain Tsubasa 4 104K
Captain Tsubasa 5 223K
Captain Tsubasa J 64K
Car Ranger 80K
Castlevania 4 92K
Castlevania Dracula X 220K
Chester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool 56K
Chibi Maru Ko Chan 2 240K
Chrono Trigger 341K
Chrono Trigger 454K
Chrono Trigger 343K
Chuck Rock 81K
Combatribes 73K
Congo's Caper 53K
Contra 3 The Alien Wars 100K
Cool Spot 63K
Crayon - 2 (aka Naughty Boy 2) 69K
Cybernator 95K
Cyborg009 63K
Cynix Demo 2 20K
Darius Twin 93K
Daze Before Christmas 101K
Death Brade by I'Max 53K
Demolition Man 110K
Demon's Crest 150K
Dennis The Menace 118K
Der Langrisser 188K
Desert Strike 45K
Dharma /Metro Group 1994 93K
Dino City 68K
Disney's LionKing 342K
Do Tususo Gasose Batolu 50K
Dolucky Puzzle Tour 78K
Donald Duck (Epoch 1995) 156K
Donkey Kong Country 1 118K
Donkey Kong Country 1 162K
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest 306K
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Dixie Kong�s Quest 471K
Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! 298K
Doom 164K
Doomsday Warrior 58K
Doomtroopers: Mutant Chronicles 180K
Double Dragon 5 (European version) 188K
Downtown Nekketsu Baseball Monogatari: Yakyuu De Shoubu Da! Kunio-Kun 139K
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story 118K
Dragon Ball Z 1 62K
Dragon Ball Z 2 72K
Dragon Ball Z 3 129K
Dragon Ball Z 4 85K
Dragon Ball Z Hyper Dimension 74K
Dragon Ball Z Story(?)Dragon Ball Z 4(?) 132K
Dragon Ball Z 89K
Dragon Ball Z: Legend of Super Son Goku Pt. 2 129K
Dragon Ball Z:Legend of the Super Saiyan 92K
DRAGON KNIGHT 4 (Knight of Xentar 2) 126K
Dragon Quest 1-2 Remix 236K
Dragon Quest 6 158K
Dragon View 92K
Dragonball Z: Legend Of The Super Saiya-jin 49K
Drakkhen 91K
E.V.O. :Search for Eden 174K
Earthbound 1076K
EarthBound 1077K
Earthworm Jim 1 190K
Earthworm Jim 2 205K
Eien_no_filena 84K
Energy Breaker 187K
Equinox 70K
Excite Stage 94 88K
Excite Stage 95 84K
Exhaust Heat 2 (F-1 Rock 2) 68K
Eye Of The Beholder 53K
F-Zero 64K
F-Zero2 59K
Faceball 2000 67K
Farland Story 117K
Fatal Fury 1 58K
Fatal Fury 2 186K
Fatal Fury Special Edition 393K
Fighter's History 2 215K
Fighter's History 208K
Fighters-History 170K
Fighting Eleven 97K
Final Fantasy 2 150K
Final Fantasy 3(US) 395K
Final Fantasy 4 147K
Final Fantasy 4 152K
Final Fantasy 5 262K
Final Fantasy 6 367K
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest 86K
Final Fight 1 52K
Final Fight 2 67K
Final Fight 3 170K
Fire Emblem 4 887K
Firemen, The 67K
Firepower 2000 45K
First Samurai 54K
Fist of the North Star 7 378K
From TV Animation SlamDunk 66K
From TV Animation: Slam Dunk 2 64K
Front Mission 283K
Ganbare Goemon - Kira Kira Dochuu Boku Go Dancer Ni Natta Riyuu! (Goemon 4) 226K
Genocide - 2 61K
Ghost Sweeper Mikami 82K
Go Go Ackman By Banpresto 124K
Gods 53K
Goof Troop 42K
Gouketuji Ichizoku 160K
Gradius 3 88K
Great Battle 2 122K
Great Circus Mystery starring Mickey and Minnie 86K
Gundam Wing - Endless Duel 108K
Gundam Wing-Endless Duel 109K
Gundam:Endless Duel 108K
Hagane 197K
Hal's Hole In One Golf 57K
Harvest Moon 82K
Harvest Moon 81K
Hebereke's Popoitto 53K
Home Alone 30K
Hook 69K
Hoshi No Kirby 3 (Kirby's Dreamland 3) 141K
Hyper V-Ball 44K
Hyper Zone 55K
Illusion of Gaia 210K
Incredible Hulk, The 133K
Indiana Jones Greatest Adventures 150K
Inspector Gadget 64K
Itchy And Scratchy 113K
Jeopardy! 64K
Jetsons: Invasion of the Planet Pirates 50K
Jim Power 82K
Joe & Mac 1 115K
Joe & Mac 2 95K
Jurassic Park: The Chaos Continues 224K
Justice League Task Force 118K
JWP Pure Wrestling Queens 101K
Kamen Rider (aka Masked Rider) 159K
Keeper -Datam/Polestar- 83K
Keiba 8 Special (Japanese Horse Racing) 91K
Kikikaikai 3 143K
Killer Instinct 325K
King Arthur's World 53K
King of Dragons 129K
kingyo 213K
Kirby DX (Kirby Super Star) 299K
Kirby's Avalanche 64K
Kirby's Dream Course (Hal's Hole in One Golf) 76K
Kirby's No Kirra Kirra Kids 61K
Knights of the Round 65K
Kunio no Oden 44K
Kunio-Kun no Dodgeball-dayo Zen'in Shuugou 111K
Lagoon 79K
Lemmings 1 104K
Lemmings 2: The tribes 127K
Lethal Enforcers (Konami) 120K
Live A Live 321K
Lock On 64K
Lucky Luke 114K
Lufia 1: Lufia and the fortress of doom 82K
Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals (Estpolis Biography I) 158K
Lupin the 3rd 160K
Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie 131K
Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie 137K
Magic Knight Rayearth 143K
Magic Sword 77K
Magical Drop 2 45K
Magicboy 98K
Mahou PoiPoi Poitto 38K
Majin Tensei 2 419K
Makeruna! Makendo 2 155K
Mario & Wario 120K
Mario Paint 574K
Masoukishin: The Lords of Elementals 220K
Math Blaster: Episode 1 91K
Maui Mallard - In cold shadow 163K
Maximum Carnage 79K
Mega Man 7 131K
Mega Man X 86K
Mega Man X2 106K
Mega Man X3 66K
Mega Man X3 81K
Mega Man X3 80K
Megaman's Soccer 86K
Melfard Stories 133K
Metal Warriors 62K
Mickey - 1 The Magical Quest 59K
Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse 47K
Might and Magic 3 91K
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 93K
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition 58K
Mortal Kombat 1 96K
Mortal Kombat 2 91K
Mortal Kombat 3 84K
Mr Nutz 125K
Mr.Do 37K
Ms. Pac-Man 26K
Naruhodo The World 97K
Natsuki Crisis Battle 128K
Naughty Boy 207K
Nigel Mansell's World Championship (racing) 52K
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy 181K
Ninja Warriors 105K
Ninja Warriors 101K
Nolan Ryan's Baseball 36K
Nuke Your Mum!! or: Why Men Make Bombs 56K
Ogre Battle 90K
Onizuka Boxing 109K
Operation Logic Bomb 55K
Pac-Attack 42K
Pac-In-Time 46K
Pac-Man: Homebrewn Version 32K
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures 166K
Paladin's Quest 84K
Parodius 1 87K
Parodius 2 205K
Parodius 3 223K
Phalanx 63K
Pinball Fantasies 234K
Pirates Of DarkWater 102K
Plok 80K
Pocky & Rocky - 1 (Kikikaikai) 65K
Pocky & Rocky 2 141K
Pokemon - Scrolling picture of Ash (demo?) 46K
Pop'n Twinbee 157K
Popeye IjiwaruMajo 109K
Populous 65K
Power Athlete 58K
Power Instinct 172K
Power Instinct 159K
Power of the Hired 116K
Prehistorik Man 96K
Pretty Fighter 156K
Pretty Fighter 150K
Primal Rage 67K
Primal Rage 94K
Prince of Persia 63K
Psycho Dream 77K
Push Over 49K
Puzzle Bobble (aka Bust-A-Move) 46K
R-Type 3 (Irem) 100K
Raccoon Rascal 236K
Raiden: Trad 41K
Ranma 1/2 160K
Ranma � Hard Battle 88K
Ranma � Janken 104K
Ranma � Part 1 171K
Ranma � Super Battle 62K
Return of Double Dragon 113K
Rise Of The Robots 130K
Rival Turf 48K
RoboCop 3 80K
Robotrek 160K
Rock and roll racing 57K
Rock Man X2 79K
Rockman and Forte 162K
Romancing SaGa 1 158K
Romancing SaGa 2 248K
Rudora No Hihou 346K
Run Saber 61K
RunSaber 60K
Rushing Beat 1 (aka Rival Turf) 48K
Rushing Beat 2 72K
Rushing Beat 3 117K
sailormoon fighter 74K
sailormoon puzzle fighter 76K
sailormoon r 66K
Samurai Showdown 242K
Samurai Spirits (Samurai Shodown) 153K
Sansa 2 120K
Saturday Night Slammasters 214K
Sbikkuri 59K
SD Battle DodgeBall - 1 43K
SD Battle Soccer - 1 55K
SD Hiryu No Ken 158K
SD The Great Battle 47K
SD The Great Battle Part 3 97K
SD The Great Battle Part 4 126K
Secret of MANA 212K
Secret of Mana 209K
Secret of Mana/Seiken Densetsu 2 208K
Secret of the Stars 95K
Seiken Densetsu 3 322K
Seiken Densetsu 3 363K
Sengoku Densyo 90K
SFC Panic In NakaYosi 81K
Shadow Of The Beast 76K
Shadowrun 80K
Shanghai 2: Dragon's Eye/Super Shanghai 101K
Shaq-Fu 68K
Shin Nekketsu Kouha - Kunio Tachi no Banka 127K
Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-Kun 53K
Side Pocket 120K
Sim City 60K
SimEarth 63K
Skyblazer 121K
Smartball 56K
Smurfs 112K
Snoopy Concert 352K
Sonic Blast Man 48K
Sonic Blastman 2 84K
Sonic The Hedgehog (pirate) 91K
Sonic Wings 67K
Soreyuke 57K
Soul Blazer 77K
Space Megaforce (Super Aleste) 64K
Spanky's Quest 48K
Sparkster 127K
Spawn 161K
Spider-Man and the X-Men 69K
Spirou 86K
Spriggan Powered 143K
Star Fox 218K
Star Fox 2 Beta 45K
Star Ocean (ENIX&tri-Ace/1996) 229K
Steven Seagal is the Final Option (beta) 52K
Stone Protecters 148K
Street Combat 55K
Street Fighter 2 - Super 366K
Street Fighter 2 - Turbo 84K
Street Fighter 2 112K
Street Fighter 2: Championship Edition 64K
Street Fighter Alpha 2 433K
Stunt Race FX 79K
Sunset Riders 141K
Super Adventure Island 132K
Super Adventure Island2 191K
Super Back to the Future 2 204K
Super Back to the Future 2 205K
Super Bass Fishing 70K
Super Bikkuriman 612K
Super Bomberman 1 77K
Super Bomberman 2 93K
Super Bomberman 3 241K
Super Bomberman 4 276K
Super Bomberman 5 315K
Super Bonk 78K
Super Castlevania 4 91K
Super Castlevania 4 95K
Super Chinese Fighter 179K
Super Double Dragon 109K
Super Drift Out 122K
Super Earth Defense Force 59K
Super Empire Strikes Back 117K
Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium 98K
Super Formation Soccer 94 121K
Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts 59K
Super Godzilla By TOHO 81K
Super Godzilla 83K
Super Gussun Oyoyo 2 163K
Super James Pond 2 (Codename: Robocod) (European Release) 33K
Super James Pond 2 (Codename: Robocod) (Japan/USA Release) 23K
Super James Pond 3 (Operation Starfish) 57K
Super Mario All-Stars 85K
Super Mario Excite Bike 3 49K
Super Mario Kart 70K
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars 846K
Super Mario World 1 62K
Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island 146K
Super Metroid 325K
Super Pang (aka Super Buster Bros.) 62K
Super R-Type 72K
Super Return of the Jedi 121K
Super Robot Wars 3 213K
Super Scope 6 88K
Super Smash TV 54K
Super Soccer 80K
Super Star Wars 86K
Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers 450K
Super Swiv 44K
Super Tetris 3 140K
Super Turrican 1 102K
Super Turrican 2 241K
Super Twinbee 138K
Super V.G. 135K
Super Valis 96K
SWATKats: The Radical Squadron 146K
T.M.N.T. Tournament Fighters 112K
Tactics Orge:An Ogre Battle Saga 188K
Tales of Phantasia 299K
Taz-Mania 132K
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time 86K
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5: Tournament Fighters [Beta release] 91K
Tekkaman Blade 35K
Tekken 2 (Pirate) 39K
Tenchi Muyo! 119K
Terranigma 181K
Tetris & Dr. Mario 43K
Tetris 2+Bombliss 57K
Tetris 3 138K
Tetris Attack 152K
The Adventures of Batman & Robin 146K
The Death And Return Of Superman 64K
The Legend of the Mystical ninja 117K
The Lion King 344K
The Ninja Warriors Again 103K
The Peace Keepers 163K
The Pirates Of Dark Water 104K
The Super Aquatic Games (starring James Pond) 46K
The Tick 101K
Thomas the Tank Engine 64K
Thunder Spirits (Thunder Force 3 Snes) 92K
Tic Tac Toe 48K
Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games 121K
Tinstar 98K
Tintin - 2 - Prisoners Of The Sun 158K
Tiny Toon Adventures 140K
Tiny Toons Wacky Sports Challenge 137K
TKO Super Championship Boxing 39K
TMNT - Turtles in Time 86K
Tokimeki Memorial 328K
Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You 454K
Top Gear 43K
Treasure Hunter G 294K
Tuff E Nuff (Dead Dance) 68K
Twinbee (Adventure) 158K
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 97K
UN Squadron 53K
Undercover Cops 76K
Uniracers 90K
Utopia: The Creation of a Nation 52K
V-Gundam 71K
Vortex 52K
Whirlo 45K
Wild Guns 74K
WildSnake 74K
Wing Commander The Secret Missions 98K
Wizardry 5 56K
Wolverine - Adamantium Rage 101K
World Heroes - 2 117K
World Heroes 2 125K
WWF Raw 169K
WWF Royal Rumble 105K
WWF Super Wrestlemania 57K
X-Kaliber 2097 76K
X-Kaliber 2097 77K
X-Men Mutant Apocalypse 115K
Xardion 59K
Y's III: Wanderers from Y's 86K
Yaiba By Banpresto 1994 88K
Yoshi's Cookie 58K
Yoshi's Safari 60K
Young Merlin 152K
Ys 3 92K
Ys 4 220K
Ys 5 Expert 205K
Yu Yu Hakusho 1 74K
Yu Yu Hakusho 2 70K
Yu Yu Hakusho 3 Tokubehuten 82K
Yu Yu Hakusho Final 75K
Zelda 3: A link to the past 76K
Zenki Deneiraibu 180K
Zero - Kamikazee Squirel 95K
Zombies Ate My Neighbors 80K
Zoop 139K
A total of 548 SPC files. If you have any SPC files you would like to submit(not on this list already), then please e-mail We shall keep adding more SPC files as we find them, please vote for us and visit our sponsors. Also, be kind and allow the pop-ups to load. Thank you.

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