The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Volume 1 - Gameboy Advance Video (U)(Psychosis) ROM
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1564)
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1564)
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You have the option of playing The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Volume 1 - Gameboy Advance Video (U)(Psychosis) in your browser, right here at EmuParadise! No need for any software, no installations required, all you need is a fast enough PC and a browser with Flash support. This is great if you're on a PC with restrictions on software installations or want to secretly play at work.Play The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Volume 1 - Gameboy Advance Video (U)(Psychosis)
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_____ ______ ____ ___________________/ /___________/ /______________________/ /_____ \ _____ \ / _____ \ / _____ _____ \_________ \ /__/ / / /____/ / / /____/ / / / / /____/ / /____/ / ____/\___ \___ / /____ _ / / /\___ \ /\___ \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /____/\_____ /___ /\_______/__/ /\_______/___ /___/___ / \___/ \__/ /____/ \___/ \___/::.. _________tST!____pSYCHOSIS pRESENTZ!...____2004______________________________ ...GBA Video: The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius Volume 1......... sUPPLIED BY:.. tEAM pSYCHOSiS cOUNRTY::....... USA lANGUAGE(s)::. English cOMPANY::....... Majesco sYSTEM::...... GBA rELEASE dATE::.. 7/4/04 fILENAME::.... pcs-jnv1.gba sTORE dATE::.... 6/7/04 sIZE::........ 256Mbit .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ | / \ \/ |/ | \ |___\___|\____/____|\________/ i N F O Now you can watch four of the very best episodes on your game boy advance! BROBOT - Jimmy constructs "Brobot"-the perfect little brother he never had. But trouble brews when Brobot becomes very annoying and more popular than Jimmy! THE BIG PINCH - To settle a classroom argument about who invented radio, Jimmy brings Thomas Edison to the present using his Time Pincher. But the future is threatened when Edison refuses to return to the past! GRANNY BABY - Jimmy's Granny comes to stay while his parents are on their third honeymoon. Jimmy, concerned by her ailing health, gives her his new youth tonic but Granny ends up as a talking baby! TIME IS MONEY - Jimmy time travels 15 years into the past when his parents were swinging sweethearts. Jimmy's investment tip changes the future but with unintended consequences! ____ .___________._______________________________/ /__ __________. \ _ | _ / ____ / ____ __ ___/___._\_____ / \ \ | /____/ /____/. /____/. \ | _____/_ \_____ |____| \______ __|\_____ |\_____ |_____ \ /_____| g R E E T Z |____| |____| |_______\ ...........tO aLL oUR fRIENDz iN tHE fOLLOWING gROUPz::............. .. rISING sUN .. iSOSPHERE .. TRaSHMaN .. tECHNIC .. VENOM .. EURASIA .. /tHE bEST wAY tO pREDICT tHE fUTURE iS tO iNVENT iT\ ÑÑÑhAPPY fOURTH oF jULY tO aLL oUR fRIENDS!ÑÑÑ _____________ ___/\ ____________________ _________________. / / \\_ \/ _/\__ __/ / \_/ /\__ __/ / |___/ | \/ \ \ / | / | | |___/ / | / | | | \ \ \ / |__/ | | | / |_ \________|________/__|\____/\_______\____\____\_______|\______/ c O N T A C T iF yOU'RE iNTERESTED iN jOINING tEAM pSYCHOSIS, gET iN tOUCH wITH uS!!! iF yOU cAN fILL tHE rEQUIREMENTS oF oNE oR mORE oF tHE fOLLOWING............................. __sUPPLIERS: yOU cAN sUPPLY aNY uNRELEASED gAMES, pRE-rETAIL gAMES yOU hAVE aCCESS tO bETA oR dEMO vERSIONS oF gAMES, yOU wORK aT a rETAIL gAME sTORE sUCH aS eB gAMES, bABBAGES, mEDIAMARKET, gAMESTOP!!!!! __mENU/tRAINERMAKERS: iF yOU hAVE gOOD kNOWLEDGE iN cODING mENUs oF aNY kIND aND/oR hAVE gOOD kNOWLEDGE iN tRAINING gAMES oR mAKING tRAINER mENUs. ..::pLEASE cONTACT uS @ |