Why Emuparadise?

3 times the speed, even for free users!

We tested downloads from the biggest sites out there and found that downloads from emuparadise on average go at a WHOPPING 1MB/s whereas other websites can only manage about 300Kb/s. We even let you choose which server you want to download from (so you choose the fastest one) and also whether you want to use HTTP or FTP.

More ROMs, More ISOs, More Games

Emuparadise has more content. Tons more! We have 40% more games than other sites. We also have translated roms for those BELOVED JRPGs that you can now FINALLLY play! We don't just do ROMs. We carry Abandonware, ScummVM classic adventure game titles, and even MORE! With more content being powered by our community, you can find almost anything here!

Cool Sections

Want some game magazines ? We got 'em. Want Video Game Music - Uhh yeah! Want to download TV episodes of Pokemon ? Come to Emuparadise!

Responsible advertising and files

MasJ is growing old fighting with slimy malware advertisers. We take bad ad reports from our users *very* seriously. All our files are 100% clean - GUARANTEED! You will always have a safe browsing experience at Emuparadise. That's our promise!

A MASSIVE community!

We're active on EPForums (the official emuparadise forums), Facebook and Twitter. We love to help new people get into emulation and definitely like to help oldies get over problems too. We run free gameservers for you to log onto and get your retro on!


The Emuparadise philosophy is to always improve. We'll keep adding new content and features (did you know you can play those NES games right inside your browser ?!) to help you rediscover retro games. There's always something new.. ahem.. old to play!


So Get Started!

ROMs, ISOs, Gaming Music, and more..


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PS2 ISOs (4078)PSP ISOs (2907)PSX ISOs (5134)NDS ROMs (6294)MAME ROMs (34305)GCN ISOs (1342)SNES ROMs (3484)GBA ROMs (2647)NES ROMs (2774)View all sections

Quote of the Day

You’re still a teenager. Why don’t you act like one for a change?

— Rinoa Heartily (Final Fantasy VIII)

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