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(182 titles found)F-24 Stealth Fighter (E)(XenoPhobia)F-24 Stealth Fighter (U)(XenoPhobia)Fab 5 Soccer (U)(SQUiRE)FabStyle (JP)Fabulous Finds (E)(PUSSYCAT)Fabulous Finds (US)(Suxxors)Facening de Hyoujou Yutaka ni Inshou Up - Otona no DS Kao Training (J)(Loli)Famicom Wars DS (J)(RXR)Family Feud - 2010 Edition (US)Family Fortunes (EU)(TWaT)Family Park Tycoon (EU)(M2)(Independent)Famous - The Road to Glory! (E)Fancy Nancy - Tea Party Time! (DSi Enhanced) (U)Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer (E)(XenoPhobia)Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer (U)(XenoPhobia)Fantasy Aquarium by DS (E)(EXiMiUS)Fantasy Aquarium by DS (U)(SQUiRE)Farm Frenzy - Animal Country (E)Farm Frenzy - Animal Country (U)Farm Frenzy 3 (E)Farm Life - Manage Your Own Farm (E)(SQUiRE)Farmtopia (U)Fashion Designer - High Fashion (EU)(M5)(XenoPhobia)Fashion Designer - Style Icon (E)(XenoPhobia)Fashion Dogz (E)(XenoPhobia)Fashion Studio - Paris Collection (US)(M3)(1 Up)Fashion Tycoon (E)Fashion Week Jr. Designer (U)(EXiMiUS)Fashionable Puppy - Oshare na Koinu DS (J)(Independent)Fast Food Panic (EU)(M5)(Ddumpers)Fast Food Panic (US)(M3)(BAHAMUT)feel the magic - xy xx (kiosk demo) (u)(trashman)Feel the Magic - XY XX (U)(Trashman)Ferrari Challenge - Trofeo Pirelli (U)(SQUiRE)Ferrari Challenge (E)(sUppLeX)FIFA 06 (E)(Legacy)FIFA 07 (E)(Legacy)FIFA 07 Soccer (U)(Supremacy)FIFA 08 (E)(FireX)fifa 08 (k)(eximius)FIFA 09 (E)(XenoPhobia)FIFA 09 (K)(CoolPoint)FIFA 10 (EU)(M5)(BAHAMUT)FIFA 10 (KS)(OneUp)FIFA 11 (DSi Enhanced) (E)FIFA Soccer 06 (U)(Legacy)FIFA Soccer 08 (U)(Micronauts)FIFA Soccer 09 (U)(XenoPhobia)FIFA Soccer 10 (US)(M5)(BAHAMUT)FIFA Soccer 11 (U)(frieNDS)FIFA Street 2 (E)(Legacy)FIFA Street 2 (U)(Trashman)FIFA Street 3 (E)(XenoPhobia)FIFA Street 3 (U)(SQUiRE)FIFA World Cup 2006 (E)(Legacy)FIFA World Cup 2006 (U)(Psyfer)Fifi and the Flowertots (EU)Fifi and the Flowertots Fifis Garden Party (E)(EXiMiUS)Fighting Fantasy - The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (US)(Venom)Figure Princess (K)Figure Skating - Fairy on the Ice (KS)(Amptor)Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (E)Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (U)Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (EU)(M4)(EXiMiUS)Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (JP)(Caravan)Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (US)(M3)(PYRiDiA)Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates (E)(EXiMiUS)final fantasy crystal chronicles - ring of fates (j)(independent)Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates (U)(Independent)Final Fantasy Fables - Chocobo Tales (E)(FireX)Final Fantasy Fables - Chocobo Tales (U)(Legacy)Final Fantasy III (E)(FireX)Final Fantasy III (J)(WRG)Final Fantasy III (U)(Psyfer)Final Fantasy IV (E)(XenoPhobia)Final Fantasy IV (J)(MaxG)Final Fantasy IV (U)(Independent)Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Fuuketsu no Grimoire (J)(6rz)Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Grimoire of the Rift (E)(EXiMiUS)Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Grimoire of the Rift (U)(Independent)Final Fantasy XII - Revenant Wings (E)(EXiMiUS)Final Fantasy XII - Revenant Wings (J)(Legacy)Final Fantasy XII - Revenant Wings (U)(Micronauts)Findet Nemo - Flucht in den Ozean (G)(WRG)Finding Nemo - Escape to the Big Blue (E)(Independent)Finding Nemo - Escape to the Big Blue (E)(Sir VG)Finding Nemo - Escape to the Big Blue (U)(Trashman)Finding Nemo - Touch de Nemo (J)(WRG)Finding Nemo Escape To The Big Blue Special Edition (E)(PUSSYCAT)Finding Nemo Escape to the Big Blue Special Edition (U)(EXiMiUS)Fireman Sam - Always on Duty (E)Fireman Sam Action Stations (E)(PUSSYCAT)Fish Tycoon (E)(XenoPhobia)Fish Tycoon (U)(Sir VG)Fishdom (E)Fishdom (U)Fishdom DS (EU)(M2)(BAHAMUT)Fit for Fun (G)Fit fuers Gymnasium - Deutsch - Klasse 1. - 4. (DE)(Independent)Fit fuers Gymnasium - Mathematik - Klasse 1. - 4. (DE)(Independent)Fix It (EU)(M6)(BAHAMUT)Fizz (E)(SQUiRE)Flaaklypa Grand Prix (E)Flash Focus - Vision Training in Minutes a Day (U)(XenoPhobia)Flipper Critters (E)(Legacy)Flipper Critters (U)(XenoPhobia)Flips - Artemis Fowl (EU)(BAHAMUT)Flips - Cathy Cassidy (EU)(BAHAMUT)Flips - Enid Blyton - The Adventure Series (E)Flips - Faraway Tree Stories (EU)(BAHAMUT)Flips - Mr Gum (E)Flips - Percy Jackson (E)Flips - Too Ghoul for School (EU)(BAHAMUT)Florist Shop (G)Florist Shop (Trimmed 54 Mbit)(Intro) (U)Flower Sun and Rain - Murder and Mystery in Paradise (US)(OneUp)Flower Sun and Rain (E)(XenoPhobia)Fluch der Osterinsel, Der (DSi Enhanced) (G)Flunkene Pirater (NL)Flunkerne - Superskurke (EU)(M2)(Ddumpers)Flunkerne Paa Maanen (EU)(M2)(DFG)Flushed Away (E)(Dark Eternal Team)Flushed Away (E)(Jdump)Flushed Away (E)(Supremacy)Flushed Away (U)(Psyfer)Football Academy (EU)(M5)(XenoPhobia)Football Director DS (E)(XenoPhobia)Ford Racing 3 (E)(Legacy)Ford Racing 3 (U)(Trashman)Fort Boyard - Casse-tetes et Enigmes (FR)(EXiMiUS)Fort Boyard - Le Jeu (v01) (F)(Eximius)Fort Boyard Le Jeu (F)(Independent)Fossil Fighters - Champions (DSi Enhanced) (U)Fossil Fighters (US)(Venom)Fossil League - Dino Tournament Championship (E)(Independent)Fossil League - Dino Tournament Championship (U)(Sir VG)Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends - Imagination Invaders (E)(Puppa)Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends - Imagination Invaders (U)(Independent)Foto Frenzy - Spot the Difference (U)Foto Frenzy (EU)(M5)(Independent)Franklin's Great Adventures (E)(Legacy)Franklin's Great Adventures (U)(Trashman)Franzis Gedaechtnistrainer (DE)(Independent)Franzoesisch - Vokabel Buddy (G)Franzosisch Buddy (EU)(M4)(Independent)Freddi Fish - ABC Under the Sea (E)(EXiMiUS)Freddi Fish - ABC Under the Sea (U)Freddie Flintoff's Power Play Cricket (E)Freedom Wings (E)(WiNE)Freedom Wings (U)(Legacy)Fresh Pretty Cure! - Asobi Collection (JP)Freshly Picked - Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland (E)(FireX)Fritz by Chessbase (EU)(M5)(Independent)Fritz Chess (US)(M3)(Suxxors)Frogger - Helmet Chaos (E)(Legacy)Frogger - Helmet Chaos (U)(Legacy)Frogman Show - DS Datte, Shouganaijanai, The (J)(6rz)From the Abyss (EU)(M5)(EXiMiUS)From the Abyss (J)(Navarac)From the Abyss (K)(AC8)From the Abyss (U)(Venom)Front Mission - 1st (J)(XenoPhobia)Front Mission (U)(XenoPhobia)Front Mission 2089 - Border of Madness (J)(Independent)Fruits Mura no Doubutsu Tachi 2 - Osora no Fruits Land (J)(WRG)Fruits Mura no Doubutsu-tachi 2 - Osora no Fruits Land (v01) (JP)(BAHAMUT)Fuehrerschein Coach 2008 (G)(SQUiRE)Fuhrerschein-Trainer (G)(SQUiRE)Fujimori Midori no Let's Tarot (J)(6rz)Fukoumori - Moririi no Unhappy Project (J)(Caravan)Fullmetal Alchemist - Dual Sympathy (E)(FireX)Fullmetal Alchemist - Dual Sympathy (U)(XenoPhobia)Fullmetal Alchemist - Trading Card Game (U)(XenoPhobia)Fushigi Kagaku - Nazotoki Quiz Training - NazoTore (J)(Independent)Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren 4 - Kami no Hitomi to Akuma no Heso (J)Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren DS (J)(WRG)Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren DS 2 - Sabaku no Majou (J)(Caravan)Fushigi Yuugi DS (JP)(High Road)Futari wa PreCure - Splash Star Panpaka Game de Zekkouchou! (J)(WRG)FutureU - The Prep Game for SAT (U)(XenoPhobia)Fuurai no Shiren 5 - Fortun Tower to Unmei no Dice (J)Fuuun! Dairoujou (JP)(Caravan)