Sort By:Games Per Page:[Expand/Collapse All]Systems+Genres+Starting Letter+Game Regions+Safety Rating+Attributes+
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Game NameSystem
$100,000 Pyramid, The (UE)C64 PP
'88 GamesMAME
'89 Dennou Kyuusei Uranai (Japan)NES
'96 Flag RallyMAME
'96 Zenkoku Koukou Soccer Senshuken (Japan)SNES
'98 Koushien - Koukou Yakyuu Simulation (Japan)PSX
'99: The Last War (Kyugo)MAME
'99: The Last War (set 1)MAME
'99: The Last War (set 2)MAME
'Allo 'Allo! Cartoon Fun!Amiga
'Butagee' de Iinja Nai (Japan)PSX
'L' Of A Day (Project) (Cash set) (PROCONN)MAME
'L' Of A Day (Project) (Token set) (PROCONN)MAME
.hack-Link (Japan)PSP
0 Grad NordAtari 800
0 Story (Japan) (Taikenban)PS2
007 - A View to a Kill (E)C64 Tapes
007 - Agent Under Fire (Europe)GCN
007 - Agent Under Fire (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,Nl,Sv)PS2
007 - Agent Under Fire (USA)PS2
007 - Agent Under Fire (v1.01)GCN
007 - Agent im Kreuzfeuer (Germany)GCN
007 - Alles oder Nichts (Germany)GCN
007 - Bons Baisers de Russie (France)GCN
007 - Der Morgen Stirbt Nie (G)PSX
007 - Die Welt ist Nicht Genug (G)PSX
007 - Ein Quantum Trost (DE)(Independent)NDS
007 - El Mundo Nunca Es Suficiente (S)PSX
007 - Everything or Nothing (Europe) (En,Es,It,Nl,Sv)PS2
007 - Everything or Nothing (Europe) (En,It,Nl,Sv)GCN
007 - Everything or Nothing (Europe) (Fr,De)PS2
007 - Everything or Nothing (J)(Rising Sun)GBA
007 - Everything or Nothing (USA)PS2
007 - From Russia with Love (Europe)GCN
007 - From Russia with Love (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv)PS2
007 - From Russia with Love (USA)PS2
007 - GoldenEye (Europe)N64
007 - GoldenEye (Japan)N64
007 - GoldenEye (USA)N64
007 - Licence to Kill (E)C64 Tapes
007 - Liebesgruesse aus Moskau (Germany)GCN
007 - Live and Let Die (E)C64 Tapes
007 - Living Daylights, The (E)C64 Tapes
007 - Lord Bromley's Estate (1990)(Domark)ZX Spectrum Z80
007 - Lord Bromley's Estate (1990)(Domark)[a2]ZX Spectrum Z80
007 - Lord Bromley's Estate (1990)(Domark)[a]ZX Spectrum Z80
007 - Nightfire (Europe) (De,Es)PS2
007 - Nightfire (Europe) (En,Fr,It,Nl,Sv)PS2
007 - Nightfire (Europe) (En,It,Nl,Sv)GCN
007 - Nightfire (France)GCN
007 - Nightfire (Germany)GCN
007 - Nightfire (Spain)GCN
007 - Nightfire (USA)PS2
007 - Q's Armoury (1990)(Domark)ZX Spectrum Z80
007 - Q's Armoury (1990)(Domark)[a]ZX Spectrum Z80
007 - Quantum of Solace (E)(Venom)NDS
007 - Quantum of Solace (EU)(M2)(BAHAMUT)NDS
007 - Quantum of Solace (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)PS2
007 - Quantum of Solace (KS)(NEREiD)NDS
007 - Quantum of Solace (U)(XenoPhobia)NDS
007 - Quantum of Solace (USA)PS2
007 - Quitte ou Double (France)GCN
007 - Russia Yori Ai o Komete (Japan)PSP
007 - Spy Who Loved Me, The (E)C64 Tapes
007 - The Living Daylights (1987)(Domark)[cr LPS]Atari 800
007 - The Living Daylights (UE)C64 PP
007 - The Living Daylights (UK) (1987)CPC
007 - The Living Daylights (UK) (1987) [a1]CPC
007 - The Living Daylights (UK) (1987) [a1][t1]CPC
007 - The Living Daylights (UK) (1987) [f1][t1]CPC
007 - The Living Daylights (UK) (1987) [t1]CPC
007 - The Spy Who Loved Me (UK) (19xx)CPC
007 - The Spy Who Loved Me (UK) (19xx) [a1]CPC
007 - The World Is Not Enough (Europe) (En,Fr,De)N64
007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA)PSX2PSP
007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA)N64
007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA, Europe)GBC
007 - The World Is Not Enough [U]PSX
007 - The World is Not Enough (E)PSX
007 - Todo o Nada (Spain)GCN
007 - Tomorrow Never Dies (E)PSX
007 - Tomorrow Never Dies (Japan)PSX
007 - Tomorrow Never Dies (USA)PSX2PSP
007 - Tomorrow Never Dies [U]PSX
007 Agent Under FireGCN
007 Racing (USA)PSX2PSP
007 Racing [U]PSX
007 Shitou - The Duel (Japan)Genesis
0266 - Futari wa Precure Max Heart - Danzen! DS de Precure Chikara o Awasete Dai Battle (J)(Legacy)NDS
0789 - Gamics Series Vol. 1 - Yokoyama Mitsuteru - San Goku Shi - Dai 1 Kan - Touen no Chikai (J)(WRG)NDS
0888 - Gamics Series Vol. 1 - Yokoyama Mitsuteru - San Goku Shi - Vol. 2 - Ryofu no Matsuro (J)(Legacy)NDS
0954 - Negima! Chou Mahora Taisen Chuu - Checkiin Zenin Shuugou! Yappari Onsen Kichaimashitaa (J)(Legacy)NDS
0967 - Simple DS Series Vol. 13 - Ijoukishou wo Tsuppashire - The Arashi no Drift Rally (J)(Legacy)NDS
0971 - Gamics Series Vol. 1 - Yokoyama Mitsuteru - San Goku Shi - Vol. 3 - Sanko no Rei (J)(Legacy)NDS
1 Across 2 DownAmiga
1 Across 2 DownAmiga
1 Contre 100 (F)(EXiMiUS)NDS
1 Gegen 100 (DE)(Independent)NDS
1 Million Ton no Barabara (Japan)PSP
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