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List of all Sega Genesis - Sega Megadrive ROMs
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Listing titles from 401 to 450 |
Game Name: | Average Rating |
Krusty's Super Fun House (USA, Europe) | 4.53 |
Raiden Densetsu ~ Raiden Trad (Japan, USA) | 4.83 |
Puyo Puyo (Japan) | 4.5 |
Asterix and the Great Rescue (USA) | 4.09 |
Marble Madness (USA, Europe) | 4.64 |
Lotus II (USA, Europe) | 4.67 |
Stargate (USA, Europe) | 4.66 |
Syndicate (USA, Europe) | 4.88 |
Alien 3 (USA, Europe) (v1.1) | 4.43 |
Alien Soldier (Japan) | 4.95 |
Bare Knuckle II (Japan) (Beta) | 4.69 |
Fantastic Dizzy (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 4.47 |
688 Attack Sub (USA, Europe) | 4.69 |
King of the Monsters 2 (USA) | 3.7 |
Sonic Crackers (Japan) (Proto) | 4.11 |
Virtual Bart (World) | 4.88 |
Rolo to the Rescue (USA, Europe) | 4.35 |
Virtua Racing (Europe) | 4.25 |
Captain America and the Avengers (Europe) | 4.52 |
Clay Fighter (USA) | 4.85 |
Saint Sword (USA) | 4.29 |
Lemmings (Europe) | 4.5 |
Chuck Rock (USA) | 4.65 |
Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday (USA, Europe) | 4.58 |
Street Racer (Europe) | 4.83 |
Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 96 (Europe) (J-Cart) | 4.87 |
James Bond 007 - The Duel (USA) | 4.66 |
[BIOS] Sega CD Model 2 (USA) (v2.00) | 4.03 |
Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen (Japan) | 4.47 |
Dark Castle (USA, Europe) | 1.81 |
Sonic Spinball (Europe) | 4.54 |
Greatest Heavyweights (USA) | 4.7 |
NHL 95 (USA, Europe) | 5 |
Evander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing (World) | 4.56 |
Cadash (USA, Asia) | 4.69 |
Sensible Soccer (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It) | 4.83 |
Crack Down (USA, Europe) | 4.71 |
Hook (USA) | 4.55 |
Galaxy Force II (World) | 4.71 |
Hellfire (USA) | 4.68 |
Turbo OutRun (Japan, Europe) | 4.61 |
Road Rash 3 (USA) (Alpha) | 4.67 |
Target Earth (USA) | 4.76 |
B.O.B. (USA, Europe) | 3.77 |
Rocket Knight Adventures (Japan) | 4.94 |
Greendog - The Beached Surfer Dude ! (USA, Europe) | 4.89 |
Exile (USA) | 4.55 |
Super Off Road (USA) | 4.87 |
Light Crusader (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) | 4.72 |
Marvel Land (USA) | 4.47 |
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