Classic Nes - Excite Bike (U)(Psychosis) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1517)
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1517)
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You have the option of playing Classic Nes - Excite Bike (U)(Psychosis) in your browser, right here at EmuParadise! No need for any software, no installations required, all you need is a fast enough PC and a browser with Flash support. This is great if you're on a PC with restrictions on software installations or want to secretly play at work.Play Classic Nes - Excite Bike (U)(Psychosis)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
_____ _____ ____ ___________________/ /___________/ /______________________/ /______ \ _____ \ / _____ \ / _____ _____ \_________ \ /__/ / / /____/ / / /____/ / / / / /____/ / /____/ / ____/\___ \\___ / /____ _ / / /\___ \ /\___ \ / /_/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_____/\_____ /___ /\_______/__/ /\_______/____ /___/____ / \___/ \___/ /____/ \___/ \___/::.. _________tST!____pSYCHOSIS pRESENTZ!...____2004______________________________ ...................NES Classic Excitebike (c) Nintendo............. sUPPLIED BY:..TEAM PSYCHOSIS cOUNRTY::.......USA lANGUAGE(s)::.English cOMPANY::.......Nintendo sYSTEM::......GBA rELEASE dATE::..6/6/04 fILENAME::....pcs-nseb.gba sTORE dATE::....6/7/04 sIZE::........8/Mbit .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ | / \ \/ |/ | \ |___\___|\____/____|\________/ i N F O The concept is simple: Go fast and win. That's easier said than done. Your biker must keep his bearings as he's flying through the air, avoid getting clipped by other racers and stay cool under pressure or his bike will overheat. If you fall off the bike, mash the A and B Buttons to make your racer run back to the bike. Tired of racing on the circuit? Make your own course in Design mode. Here, you have access to all the ramps, mounds, bridges and other obstacles Excitebike has to offer. ____ .___________._______________________________/ /__ __________. \ _ | _ / ____ / ____ __ ___/___._\_____ / \ \ | /____/ /____/. /____/. \ | _____/_ \_____ |____| \______ __|\_____ |\_____ |_____ \ /_____| g R E E T Z |____| |____| |_______\ ...........tO oUR fRIENDS iN tHE fOLLOWING gROUPS::................ .. rISING sUN .. TRaSHMaN .. VENOM .. SP .. EURASIA .. _____________ ___/\ ____________________ _________________. / / \\_ \/ _/\__ __/ / \_/ /\__ __/ / |___/ | \/ \ \ / | / | | |___/ / | / | | | \ \ \ / |__/ | | | / |_ \________|________/__|\____/\_______\____\____\_______|\______/ c O N T A C T iF yOU'RE iNTERESTED iN jOINING tEAM pSYCHOSIS, gET iN tOUCH wITH uS!!! __sUPPLIERS: iF yOU cAN fILL tHE rEQUIREMENTS oF oNE oR mORE oF tHE fOLLOWING............................. yOU cAN sUPPLY aNY uNRELEASED gAMES, pRE-rETAIL gAMES yOU hAVE aCCESS tO bETA oR dEMO vERSIONS oF gAMES, yOU wORK aT a rETAIL gAME sTORE sUCH aS eB gAMES, bABBAGES, mEDIAMARKET, gAMESTOP!!!!! __mENU/tRAINERMAKERS: iF yOU hAVE gOOD kNOWLEDGE iN cODING mENUs oF aNY kIND aND/oR hAVE gOOD kNOWLEDGE iN tRAINING gAMES oR mAKING tRAINER mENUs. pLEASE fEEL fREE tO cONTACT uS @ |