Final Fight One (E)(Paracox) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: ActionRating: ESRB: E
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0083)
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0083)
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You have the option of playing Final Fight One (E)(Paracox) in your browser, right here at EmuParadise! No need for any software, no installations required, all you need is a fast enough PC and a browser with Flash support. This is great if you're on a PC with restrictions on software installations or want to secretly play at work.Play Final Fight One (E)(Paracox)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
pARAcOX pROUDLY pRESENTS fINAL fIGHT oNE (C) cAPCOM ()()==================D~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* dATE : aUGUST 4TH, 2001 oRIGIN : mY dEAD gBX sIZE : 32 mEGABIT fILENAME : pCX-fFO.ZIP sUPPLIER : dHALSIM yOGA yOGA pLATFORM : gAMEBOY aDVANCE . rELEASE iNFOZ ---------------------------------------------------------- . hI eVERYONE, yOUR fAVOURITE eLITE gROUP iS bACK!! dIZ tIME wE bRING yA dA sUPA hIT fROM dA 90's fROM cAPCOM pORTED tO dA gBA. nOW yOU cAN sTOP pLAYING lEGO rACERS 2 aND fLASH dIZ eLITE sHIT bEFORE iT hITS sHELVES iN oCTOBER!! aND dONT fORGET tO gO fUCK yOURSELF! nOTE: oUR fIRST rELEASE wAS sO eLITE, sUBPORT dIDN'T iNCLUDE iT oN tHIER oFFICIAL lIST. rESPECT oUR aUTHORITY aND aDD lEGO rACERS 2 bACK tO dA lIST wHEN aDDING dIZ hOT rELEASE tO dA lIST aS wELL. . rELEASES -------------------------------------------------------------- . nUM gAME tITLE oRIG/sIZE dATE --- ---------------------- --------- ---- 001 lEGO rACERS 2 eUR/64mB 0726 002 fINAL fIGHT oNE eUR/32mB 0804 . rESPECT tO ------------------------------------------------------------ . cEZAR - gBL - hS - hTS - rPF - tC eXTRA rESPECT tO dAN fROM jAPAN, mY dEAD gBX aND tHE rABU hO fROM tOKYO tO! rAKUSHOUUU! oYAJIIIIIII . -----------------------------------------------------> pARAcOX - wE sUXX cOX |
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