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Download Ultimate Winter Games (U)(Eurasia) (4.0M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1314)
Play Ultimate Winter Games (U)(Eurasia)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1314)
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You have the option of playing Ultimate Winter Games (U)(Eurasia) in your browser, right here at EmuParadise! No need for any software, no installations required, all you need is a fast enough PC and a browser with Flash support. This is great if you're on a PC with restrictions on software installations or want to secretly play at work.Play Ultimate Winter Games (U)(Eurasia)
Game Box Art:![]() | |
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Game Release Info (NFO):
. . . . : / / . ___:. \ \ : |// _//________.___ ____:____________ _____.__________ \ / _____\\_ \\| |/ | / _ / | | _ /__\__ \ __/____\/____\__ \ | \| / /|/ / / | | / / _ \______ /_/\ _ \|\ \ \ \// ____/ [ | \ < \ /\ / / \ \ \\/ / |\ / ______\ \__________|_____\ /_____________\_______/______\________ \ /| | \ \ ---- --------- : ---- \____\ ----------- ----- -------- ---- / / | | \\ \ / // | | / / IS PROUD TO BRING YOU ON DECEMBER 5TH, 2003 \ \MTX! | // / \ \\ | |/ / >>> Ultimate Winter Games <<< \ \| / // \\ \ . / COMPANY...: Telegames - SYSTEM....: Game Boy Advance \ . :// ORIGIN....: The White House - SIZE......: 64 MBit \\: |/ LANGUAGE..: English - FILENAME..: EUR-UWG.ZIP \| | | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /->> RELEASE NOTES: <<----------------------------------------------\ \-. | | | Continuing with todays releases, we present Ultimate Winter Games, | | enjoy this and our other release! | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | GAME NOTES: | | =========== | | | | Snowboarding, Downhill Skiing, Bobsled, and Curling... | | in the palm of your hand! | | | | * Full 3-D rendered characters | | * Fast real-time 3-D engine to create and display playfields | | * Unlock 10 different tracks per racing event | | * One player practice and championship modes | | * Two player duel mode to challenge your friends | | * Two player link mode with one game pak | | * Design your own two player championship events | | * Spectacular carving race controls | | * Trick system with variable points awarded based on difficulty | | | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /->> GREETS: <<-----------------------------------------------------\ \-. | | | Crazy Nation, Echelon, Kalisto, Lightforce, Mode 7, Nightfall, | | Oldskool, Paradox, Rising Sun, RSiSO, StarCube, SAC, and Venom. | | \ / | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /-------------------------------------------------------------------\ \-. |/ /\_ __ ESTABLISHED IN 1997 ___:. __ _/\ \| / // ______._ __:____. _____:____. \ /_____. _____. ____:___._______.\\ \ \ \_| ___/ | | _ \_\__ | __/__\/_\__ |_ \___ \/ | \___ |_/ / |\ \_ __/ | | / < _ |___ //\ _ _/ / __/ | | | \__ _/ /| |\ |_\___\_____|__\___\_____|_____/___\_____| /_____\_____|_____/___/_| /| : \ \ : : : / / : \\ \ FOR PLEASURE, NOT PRESSURE! / // \\ \\ // // \ / |