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List of all Acorn Electron ROMs
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Listing titles from 51 to 100
Game Name:Average Rating
Elite (1984)(Acornsoft)[a] [UEF]5
Killer Gorilla (198x)(Superior Software-Acornsoft)[a] [UEF]5
Palace Of Magic (198x)(Superior Software)[t] [UEF]4.7
Mikie (198x)(Konami-Imagine) [UEF]3.89
Plan B (1987)(Bug-Byte-Argus Press Software) [UEF]5
Ravenskull (1986)(Superior Software-Acornsoft) [UEF]5
Boulderdash (198x)(First Step Software)[b] [UEF]5
Twin Kingdom Valley (19xx)(Trevor Hall) [SSD]5
Starship Command (198x)(Acornsoft) [UEF]5
Dare Devil Denis (198x)(Vision) [UEF]5
Repton (1985)(Superior Software)[a] [UEF]5
Bumble Bee (198x)(Micropower) [UEF]5
Soccer Boss (198x)(-) [UEF]5
Felix In The Factory (198x)(John Chaytor)[b] [UEF]5
Codename Droid - Stryker's Run-Part 2 (1987)(Superior Software) [UEF]5
Repton Infinity (1988)(Superior Software-Acornsoft) [UEF]5
Battle 1917 (198x)(CCS) [UEF]5
Jet Set Willy (198x)(Tynesoft) [UEF]5
Magic Mushrooms (1985)(Acornsoft) [UEF]5
Adventure (1983)(Program Power) [SSD]5
10 of the Best vol.2 - Parachute (198x)(Sinclair User) [UEF]5
Chuckie Egg (1984)(A&F Software)[a] [UEF]5
Felix Meets The Evil Weevils (198x)(Micropower) [UEF]5
Questprobe #1 - Featuring The Hulk (1984)(Adventure International) [UEF]5
Repton 3 - The Life of Repton (1986)(Superior Software) [UEF]5
Citadel (1985)(Superior Software)[a] [UEF]5
Dunjunz (1987)(Bug-Byte)[b] [UEF]5
10 of the Best vol.1 - Space Hike (198x)(Sinclair User-Martin Hollis) [UEF]5
3D Maze (198x)(IJK Software) [UEF]5
Gisburne's Castle (198x)(Superior Software) [UEF]5
Hopper (1983)(Superior Software-Acornsoft) [UEF]5
Barbarian (1987-88)(Palace Software-Superior Software) [UEF]5
10 of the Best vol.2 - Castles of Sand (198x)(Sinclair User-Martin Hollis) [UEF]5
Frenzy (198x)(Micropower) [UEF]5
Robotron 2084 (1982-84)(Atari Inc-Williams Electronics) [UEF]5
Adventure #8 - Pyramid of Doom (1979-84)(Adventure International-Scott Adams) [UEF]5
Hobgoblin (198x)(David Parsons) [UEF]5
Jet Set Willy (198x)(Tynesoft) [SSD]5
Adventure #10 - Savage Island, Part I (1984)(Adventure International-Scott Adams) [UEF]5
Repton Infinity (1988)(Superior Software-Acornsoft) [SSD]5
Battlezone 2000 (1983)(M.C. Lothlorien) [UEF]5
Camelot (1989)(Superior Software-Acornsoft) [UEF]5
Mexico 86 Finals (1985)(Doctor Soft)[b] [UEF]5
10 of the Best vol.1 - Golf (198x)(Sinclair User) [UEF]5
10 of the Best vol.1 - KnockOut (198x)(Sinclair User) [UEF]5
Questprobe #3 - Fantastic Four, chapter 1 (1985)(Marvel Comics-SAI) [UEF]5
Frak (1986)(Aardvark Software) [UEF]5
Killer Gorilla (198x)(Superior Software-Acornsoft) [UEF]5
Mexico 86 Qualifiers (1985)(Qual-Soft) [UEF]5
Mr. Wiz (1984)(Superior Software) [UEF]5
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