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Listing Shoot 'Em Up games for 2600:

Asteroids (1981) (Atari, Brad Stewart - Sears) (CX2649 - 49-75163)Atlantis (Lost City of Atlantis) (1982) (Imagic, Dennis Koble) (720103-1A, 720103-1B, IA3203, IX-010-04)Carnival (1982) (Coleco, Steve 'Jessica' Kitchen) (2468)Centipede (1982) (Atari - GCC) (CX2676)Commando (1988) (Activision, Mike Reidel) (AK-043-04)Defender (1982) (Atari, Robert C. Polaro, Alan J. Murphy - Sears) (CX2609 - 49-75186)Demon Attack (Death from Above) (1982) (Imagic, Rob Fulop) (720000-200, 720101-1B, 720101-1C, IA3200, IX-006-04) [fixed]Demons to Diamonds (Hot Rox) (Paddle) (1982) (Atari, Alan J. Murphy, Nick 'Sandy Maiwald' Turner - Sears) (CX2615 - 49-75140)Elevator Action (1983) (Atari, Dan Hitchens) (CX26126) (Prototype)Front Line (1984) (Coleco, Ed Temple) (2665)Galaxian (1983) (Atari - GCC, Mark Ackerman, Glenn Parker) (CX2684)Gorf (1982) (CBS Electronics, Alex Leavens) (M8776, M8793)Gyruss (1984) (Parker Brothers) (PB5080)M.A.D. (Missile Intercept) (1982) (U.S. Games Corporation) (VC1012)Millipede (1984) (Atari, Jerome Domurat, Andrew Fuchs, Dave Staugas, Robert Vieira) (CX26118)Missile Command (1981) (Atari, Rob Fulop - Sears) (CX2638 - 49-75166)Phoenix (1982) (Atari - GCC, Mike Feinstein, John Mracek) (CX2673)Pleiades (1983) (UA Limited) (Prototype)Polaris (1983) (Tigervision, Robert H. O'Neil) (7-007)Pooyan (1983) (Konami) (RC 100-X 02)River Raid (1982) (Activision, Carol Shaw) (AX-020, AX-020-04)Space Invaders (1980) (Atari, Richard Maurer - Sears) (CX2632 - 49-75153)Super Cobra (1982) (Parker Brothers, Mike Brodie) (PB5320)Time Pilot (1983) (Coleco, Harley H. Puthuff Jr.) (2663)Vanguard (1982) (Atari - GCC, Dave Payne) (CX2669)Zaxxon (1982) (Coleco) (2454)

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