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List of all Nintendo Game Boy ROMs
[Sorted by User Rating]
Listing titles from 1 to 50 |
Game Name: | Average Rating |
[BIOS] Nintendo Game Boy Boot ROM (World) | 4.8135 |
King of Fighters '95, The (USA) | 4.6786 |
Game Boy Controller Kensa Cartridge (Japan) [b] | 4.6588 |
Sword of Hope, The (Sweden) | 4.6477 |
Picross 2 (Japan) | 4.6126 |
Batman - Return of the Joker (USA, Europe) | 4.6098 |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon R (Japan) | 4.6032 |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA, Europe) | 4.6015 |
Game Boy Camera (USA, Europe) | 4.6013 |
Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru (Japan) | 4.5984 |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon (Japan) | 4.5978 |
Mystic Quest (France) | 4.5957 |
Killer Instinct (USA, Europe) | 4.5938 |
Magic Knight RayEarth (Japan) | 4.5888 |
SD Hiryuu no Ken Gaiden (Japan) | 4.5885 |
Yuu Yuu Hakusho Dai-4-dan - Makai Touitsu (Japan) | 4.5858 |
Nekketsu Koukou Soccer-bu - World Cup Hen (Japan) | 4.5825 |
Bugs Bunny, The - Crazy Castle (USA, Europe) | 4.5811 |
Dragon Slayer I (Japan) | 4.5806 |
Golf (World) | 4.5773 |
SD Hiryuu no Ken Gaiden 2 (Japan) | 4.5763 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Fall of the Foot Clan (USA) | 4.5756 |
Kwirk (USA, Europe) | 4.5748 |
Pocket Camera (Japan) (Rev A) | 4.5745 |
Hyper Lode Runner (World) (Rev A) | 4.5739 |
Navy Blue 90 (Japan) | 4.5739 |
Seiken Densetsu (Japan) | 4.5722 |
Street Fighter II (USA, Europe) (Rev A) | 4.5692 |
Little Mermaid, The (USA) | 4.5678 |
Mystic Quest (Germany) | 4.5678 |
Hugo (Europe) | 4.5648 |
Pocahontas (USA, Europe) | 4.5583 |
Nettou Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (Japan) | 4.5546 |
Dai-2-ji Super Robot Taisen G (Japan) | 4.5526 |
Yuu Yuu Hakusho Dai-3-dan - Makai no Tobira (Japan) | 4.5512 |
Sword of Hope, The (Spain) | 4.5487 |
Super Robot Taisen (Japan) | 4.5481 |
Gradius - The Interstellar Assault (USA) | 4.5478 |
Game Boy Camera Gold (USA) | 4.5472 |
Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters (USA, Europe) | 4.5444 |
Sword of Hope, The (USA) | 4.5439 |
Little Mermaid, The (Europe) | 4.5405 |
Incredible Crash Dummies, The (USA, Europe) | 4.5345 |
F-1 Race (World) | 4.5328 |
Megaman IV (USA) | 4.5292 |
Super Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (USA, Europe) | 4.5268 |
Battle of Olympus, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 4.5250 |
Motocross Maniacs (USA) | 4.5224 |
Megaman III (USA) | 4.5221 |
Punisher, The - The Ultimate Payback (USA) | 4.5214 |
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