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(102 titles found)
M & M's Shell Shocked (USA)Machine Head (USA)Machine Hunter (USA)Madden NFL 2000 (USA)Madden NFL 2001 (USA)Madden NFL 2002 (USA)Madden NFL 2003 (USA)Madden NFL 2004 (USA)Madden NFL 2005 (USA)Madden NFL 96 (USA)Madden NFL 97 (USA)Madden NFL 98 (USA)Madden NFL 99 (USA)Magic Carpet (USA)Magic the Gathering - Battlemage (USA)Marble Master (USA)Martian Gothic (USA)Marvel Super Heroes (USA)Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter (USA)Marvel vs. Capcom - Clash of the Super Heroes (USA)Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen - Crush Course (USA)Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen - Magic Mystery Mall (USA)Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen - Winners Circle (USA)Mass Destruction (USA)Masters of Monsters - Diciples of Gaia (USA)Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX (USA)Maximum Force (USA)McGrath vs. Pastrana Freestyle Motocross (USA)MDK (USA)MechWarrior 2 (USA)Medal of Honor - Underground (USA)Medal of Honor (USA)Medievil (USA)Medievil II (USA)MegaMan 8 (USA)Megaman Legends (USA)Megaman Legends 2 (USA)MegaMan X4 (USA)MegaMan X5 (USA)MegaMan X6 (USA)Men In Black - The Series - Crashdown (USA)Metal Gear Solid (USA)Metal Gear Solid VR Missions (USA)Metal Slug X (USA)Micro Machines V3 (USA)Micro Maniacs Racing (USA)Mike Tyson Boxing (USA)Millenium Soldier - Expendable (USA)Miracle Space Race (USA)Misadventures of Tron Bonne, The (USA)Miss Spider's Tea Party (USA)Missile Command (USA)Mission Impossible (USA)MLB '98 (USA)MLB '99 (USA)MLB 2000 (USA)MLB 2001 (USA)MLB 2002 (USA)MLB 2003 (USA)MLB 2004 (USA)MLB 2005 (USA)MLB Pennant Race (USA)Mobil 1 Rally Championship (USA)Mobile Armor (USA)Mobile Light Force (USA)Monaco Grand Prix (USA)Monkey Hero (USA)Monkey Magic (USA)Monopoly (USA)Monster Bass (USA)Monster Rancher - Battle Card - Episode II (USA)Monster Rancher (USA)Monster Rancher 2 (USA)Monster Rancher Hop-a-Bout (USA)Monsterseed (USA)Mort the Chicken (USA)Mortal Kombat - Special Forces (USA)Mortal Kombat 3 (USA)Mortal Kombat 4 (USA)Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub Zero (USA)Mortal Kombat Trilogy (USA)Moto Racer (USA)Moto Racer 2 (USA)Moto Racer World Tour (USA)Motocross Mania (USA)Motocross Mania 2 (USA)Motor Toon Grand Prix (USA)Motorhead (USA)Mr. Domino, No One Can Stop (USA)Mr. Driller (USA)Ms. Pacman - Maze Madness (USA)MTV Celebrity Deathmatch (USA)MTV Music Generator (USA)MTV Sports - Pure Ride (USA)MTV Sports - Skateboarding featuring Andy MacDonald (USA)MTV Sports - Snowboarding (USA)MTV Sports - TJ Lavin's Ultimate BMX (USA)Mummy, The (USA)Muppet Monster Adventure (USA)Muppet Race Mania (USA)My Disney Kitchen (USA)Myst (USA)

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