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Listing Strategy games for C64 PP:
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4th & Inches (U)4th & Inches (UE)4th & Inches (UE) [alt]Alien (UE)Archon (UE)Archon II - Adept (UE)Artillery Duel (UE)Atomino (G)Back to the Future (UE)Battle Chess (E)Battle Chess (U)Battleship (UE)Battletech (UE)Battletech (UE) (Power Hits Compilation)Beyond the Black Hole (UE)Bounder (UE)Bubble Ghost (E)Bubble Ghost (U)Card Sharks (U)Card Sharks (U) (RapidLok 6)Carrier Force (UE) (v1.2)Championship Lode Runner (UE)Chessmaster 2000, The (E)Chessmaster 2000, The (U) (Software Country)Chessmaster 2000, The (U) (Software Toolworks)Chessmaster 2100 - The Fidelity (E)Chip's Challenge (UE)Conflict in Vietnam (U)Conflict in Vietnam (UE)Crackdown (E)Dam Busters, The (E)Dam Busters, The (U)Decision in the Desert (UE)Defender of the Crown (UE)Dino Wars (G)Drelbs (UE)Earth Orbit Station (UE)Elite (E)Elite (E) [alt]Elite (G)F-16 Combat Pilot (UE) (M5)Fast Break (U)Field of Fire (UE) (v1.1)Football Manager (UE)Gazza II (E) (M3)Gem'X (E)Gettysburg - The Turning Point (UE) (v1.2)Hacker II - The Doomsday Papers (G)Hacker II - The Doomsday Papers (UE)Halls of Montezuma (UE) (v1.0)Heart of Africa (U)Kaiser (G)Kampfgruppe (UE) (v1.4)Koronis Rift (E)Koronis Rift (UE)Koronis Rift (UE) [alt]L.A. Crackdown (UE)Laser Squad (UE)Lords of Chaos (UE)Lords of Chaos (UE) [alt]Lords of Conquest (E)Lords of Conquest (U)M.U.L.E. (UE)Mail Order Monsters (UE)Mail Order Monsters (UE) [alt]Master of the Lamps (UE)Movie Monster Game, The (UE)Mr. Do! (UE)Mystery Master - Murder by the Dozen (UE)Napoleon in Russia - Borodino 1812 (UE)North & South (E)Oil Imperium (G)Oil Imperium (G) [alt]Omega (UE) (v03.032)Pac-Man (UE)Patton vs Rommel (UE)Perry Mason - The Case of the Mandarin Murder (UE)Pharaoh's Revenge (UE)Pipe Mania (E)Pipe Mania (E) [alt]Pirates of the Barbary Coast (UE)Platoon (E)Platoon (U) (v1.1)Pro Golf (UE) [b-disk]Puzznic (E)RISK (UE)Raid over Moscow (UE)Railroad Works,The (UE)Realm of Impossibility (U) [alt]Realm of Impossibility (UE)Red Storm Rising (UE) (143.U3)Red Storm Rising (UE) (143.U3) [alt2]Red Storm Rising (UE) (143.U3) [alt3]Red Storm Rising (UE) (143.U3) [alt]Red Storm Rising (UE) (143.X3)Red Storm Rising (UE) (143.X3) [alt]Rings of Medusa (G)Roadwar 2000 (UE) (v1.2)Rockford (U)Saracen (UE)Sarakon (E)Sargon II (UE)Sargon III (UE)Scrabble (UE)Sentinel, The (E)Seven Cities of Gold (UE)Seven Cities of Gold (UE) [alt]Shanghai (UE)Shanghai (UE) (Power Hits Compilation)Shanghai (UE) [alt]Shiloh - Grant's Trial in the West (UE)SimCity (UE) (v1.1)SimCity (UE) (v1.1) [alt]Soko-Ban (UE)Soko-Ban (UE) [alt]Space Station Oblivion (U)Spy vs Spy (U)Spy vs Spy III - Arctic Antics (U)Spy vs Spy III - Arctic Antics (U) (Vorpal)Star Control (E)Star Control (U)Star Fleet I - The War Begins! (2nd Edition) (UE) (v2.1)Starion (UE)Strike Fleet (UE)Strike Force Cobra (U)Strike Force Cobra (U) [alt]Super Boulder Dash (U)Swap (E)Tapper (UE)Tapper (UE) [alt]Tobruk (UE)Transformers - The Battle to Save the Earth (UE)WAR (UE)War in Middle Earth (UE)War of the Lance (UE) (v1.0)Wargame Construction Set (UE) (v1.0)Wheel of Fortune (UE)Win, Lose or Draw (UE)Zenji (UE)